Friday, April 9, 2010


I would like to take this opportunity to inform you that I have 60 days remaining until I leave for China. Ahhh....

I know it is just two months away (just barely!), but I am already back to my obsessive/complusive ways, and have already started getting things ready for the trip. I have all of my forms in with the exception of my physical form, which is currently at the doctor's office waiting to be filled out. I still need to buy my plane ticket for Chicago, but I have to wait until I receive final notification from the EASC at IU of the final dates for the trip. Lastly, I still have the orientation coming up in Bloomington over Derby Weekend (for those of you outside the greater Louisville area, that's May 1-2). I'm getting so excited!!

My suitcase bit the dust in Germany. The telescoping handle was used to lift the (heavy) suitcase at one point, and in order to get it to go back into the suitcase, you have to beat it into submission. Also, one of the stabilizing feet broke off at some point, so the suitcase awkwardly tipped to one side, making it a potential hazard. And, the darn thing was heavy! So, while at the outlet mall last week, I ran across an excellent deal on a Columbia rolling duffel bag. It is much lighter than the suitcase, and I can fit just as much stuff in it. Woo hoo! And, as another bonus, it is orange - no more searching more my suitcase in a sea of other black suitcases! I'll be taking that duffel with my trusty backpack Eddie...I should have plenty of room to stash things away!
I've also been picking up various travel sized goodies to take with me, including toilet paper, of all things. No, it is not smaller toilet paper, just a smaller role. From my reading I have discovered that many Chinese public restrooms do not have toilet paper - I am DEFINITELY not cool with that, so I am packing my own!

One of the things I am currently working on is ensuring that I will be able to post to my blog while in China. China is very strict with its internet use, so I need to find a way to get things posted while there in the case that my blog site is inaccessible. Hopefully I won't have any problems!

I am looking forward to the orienatation in Bloomington! I cannot wait to find out where we're going and what we are going to be doing!

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