Thursday, July 1, 2010

Ciao, China!

Oh, China. Here we are at our last day together.

This morning I only had a few hours to get things together. We're leaving at Noon for the airport, so whatever I did today had to be close. So what does one do? Why, line up with the rest of the Chinese to see the Great Leader, the one and only Chairman Mao. Mao died back in 1976, but through careful preservation, it is still possible to line up and file past his carefully embalmed body to pay your final respects. I have to tell you, for being dead for almost 35 years, Mao doesn't look too bad, but he doesn't look too real either! It took about an hour and a half to complete this process. For hopefully the last time I got to experience Chinese line cutting and pushing (this is a hope against hopes - I still have to get through the airport). Security was really tight. No bags, no sunglasses, no cameras. I just took my passport and some money. After standing in line for about a half hour, the line began to slowly move, but consistently move, which was nice. The normally loud and boisterous Chinese fell deadly silent upon entering the Memorial Hall. There was a large marble statue of Mao in the room with an altar for putting white flowers on. Then, you moved slowly into the hall with Mao's body. You had to keep walking, but you did get pretty close to him. He was in a glass coffin, wearing a Maoist suit and covered with the Chinese flag. Then, you exited, and went right into a gift shop. God love the Chinese. There is always a gift shop.

I took the subway back to the hotel and finished packing, and am now killing time until it is time to go to the airport. This trip has been fantastic and a dream come true, but I am EXHAUSTED. I cannot wait to get home!!

So, for now, goodbye from China!

Location: Lobby, Jianguo Garden Hotel, Beijing
Tooth Update: Tooth is craving a steak. I can't say I blame it any.
Weather Update: A glorious day in Beijing. There's a blue sky! A blue sky!!!

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