Sunday, June 20, 2010

A Day in Nanjing

Today started off with another fantastic breakfast. Let me tell you, the Chinese really know how to throw a breakfast buffet together. You have your Western food, your Asian foods, and some fruit and breads thrown in just for kicks. I absolutely love it!

We met our new local city guide, Helen, who took us to our first stop of the day. It was definitely a very somber stop, and really the only emotional downer of the trip - thus far, anyway. We went to the Memorial Hall for Victims of the Nanjing Massacre. If you don't know what this is, here is a quick lesson. In 1937, Japanese forces took control of the city of Nanking. For six weeks between December and January 1938, approximately 300,000 Chinese were killed. Thousands were raped. It is a major stumbling block still between Japan and China as many in Japan deny that this event ever occured. This Memorial Hall was erected in part to document the evidence of these horrible acts. It is kind of hard to deny things that hit you right in the face, you know? It's kind of like those who deny the Holocaust. Once you see it, you know it happened. Same thing here. It was very somber, but I have to admit to being a little perplexed by the actions of many Chinese there. Our group was repeatedly reminded - perhaps one too many times - to be quiet. The Chinese here were very loud, especially in the mass grave area where you could view the skeletal remains of the massacre victims. I would have thought that they would be more somber, but I guess I was wrong.

Our next stop was the Presidential Palace, where Dr. Sun Yat Sen, the creator of Modern China, and Chiang Kai-shek officiated over the government. This was a very nice collection of buildings and offices. Wow, what a dry sentence. But, there is really no other way to put it! The place was crowded - it is the weekend - but it was still relatively easy to get around in.

After lunch, we visited the Confucius Temple area. I say area because the Temple is no longer there in operation. My lesson plan that I am doing for the trip is on Confucius, so I was a little disappointed. The area was really more for shopping. I did manage to get a McDonald's ice cream cone (I'm living large over here) for a whopping 37 cents in US money. Again, have I mentioned how much I love it here?

We then said goodbye to Helen - short stay in Nanjing! - and headed for Suzhou, a good two hour drive. On the way we stopped at a Chinese rest area where we got to experience the squatty potty. It's kind of fun being in China sometimes. I swear to you that sometimes we get so many stares. Kim, one of our guides, said that in many cases we may be the first Caucasians that some of the Chinese have seen. We've been filmed, had our pictures taken - and the rest area was no different. Definitely funny!

Upon arriving in Suzhou, we ate dinner - all we do sometimes is eat - and then arrived at the most amazing hotel yet. It is LARGE. My room is crazy - I'll have to post pictures because there aren't words appropriate enough. Suzhou seems cool so far - lots of lights (think Vegas) and water. I'm looking forward to touring it tomorrow!

Location: Gusu Jinjiang Tower Hotel, Suzhou
Tooth Update: Lots of pressure today. Not sure what is up with that.
Weather Update: We had been told to expect killer hot temps in Nanjing, but it was actually pleasant. Temps in the upper 70s, low 80s with SUNLIGHT. I even got a bit of a sunburn. Lucky me!


  1. Hey Mick! Reading along and enjoying the stories. Food sounds terrific! Have fun....

  2. SQUATTY POTTY!!! You took pictures right!!!

  3. Um, no to the pictures. It wasn't pretty!
