Saturday, June 12, 2010


It's 4:00. I'm in Louisville. At the airport. Which is bad considering that my flight to Chicago was supposed to leave at 3:12. NOT a happy camper at the moment. There is one, count her, one agent working a MULTITUDE of flights that have been delayed due to thunderstorms in Chicago. The weird thing is that the screens listed my flight as being on time, United's website listed it as on time, and when I called the United toll free line, the guy wondered why I wasn't on the plane. But he helpfully told me that I was due to land in Chicago at 7:11 pm CST. (Just heard that my flight is leaving at 7:44 EST). Interesting. The bad news is that I am going to miss the group orientation, and even more importantly, the group orientation dinner. The good news is that anyone flying into Chicago right now is facing the same problem, so I am sure that I won't be alone once I get to the airport. It just REALLY frustrates me that I can't get any information as to what is going on. I do, however, have a tiny piece of paper with the numer "34" on it, given to me by one of the policemen patrolling the area (there are MANY angry people). The agent is working with person with the number 4 for about an hour now, so I figure I'll get to talk to her sometime on Monday.

Location: Louisville International Airport
Tooth Update: Who cares. My head hurts more than the tooth ever did. It's still there with no danger of being hurt as I am not eating anything.
Weather Update: Clear and hot here. Thunderstormy in Chicago.

1 comment:

  1. Well I hope by now you are in Chickawgo, wasn't it named after a skunk? Anyway, maybe you'll get all the bad airplane karma out of the way on the front end and the rest will be smooth sailing. Endeavor to persevere!!
